Oxfordshire farmer achieves target heifer weights using Heygates Maxigrow


 Tim Corner
 Tim Corner

Our Heifer calves are reaching targets thanks to Heygates Maxigrow” says Tim Corner of Jersey Manor Farm. The heifers are achieving 0.7kg of daily live weight gain to calve at 21 months.

Heygates Maxigrow is based on the latest research into maximising growth rates.   Carefully selected protein sources supply the optimum amino acid balance and a natural live yeast supplement improves digestibility and live weight gain.  Maxigrow gives higher intakes, faster growth, lower cost per kilo and heavier calves when compared with conventional rearing rations.

Traditional calf starter rations are 3mm pellets but when fed the 6mm Maxigrow nuts, calves will eat 22kg more in the first 12 weeks. The latest research shows that improved growth rates in early life leads to faster finishing or more milk from mature animals.

For more information on how to boost the growth rates of your calves and increase profitability contact your local Heygates advisor or the sales office on 01604 833250